Module 19 | Ars Magna 'The Great Art'
The purpose and aims of this weekend are to introduce the concept of Biodanza as an 'Ars Magna', 'A Great Work'. An effective therapeutic response to the majority of ills of modern life, and to understand the Biodanza teacher's therapeutic role in this healing modality by comparison with other forms of therapy.
Module 20 | Social Action
What is your dream for Biodanza? This weekend aims to highlight the work that is being done with our amazing system in this country and beyond. Rolando wanted the whole world to dance in peace, harmony and delight. He danced with the street children of South America, he danced with people suffering from Parkinson’s disease and developed many other projects for specific groups. How can we bring about transformation in society through Biodanza ? How can we facilitate and promote a culture, a civilization of life. How can we develop collaborations for social projects.
Module 21 | The Music in Biodanza
The music in Biodanza is what brings us to cross a threshold: to pass from useful, effective, movement into the movement danced, the movement full of sense. Phenomenological and scientific research around the effects of music on the perception, states of consciousness, sensations and emotions has made a considerable leap forward in recent years. This research has come to corroborate the intuition of Rolando Toro when he created Biodanza.This course is an approach to the evolution of music and the relationship between man and music.
Module 22 | Methodology 1 Musical Semantics
This module marks the third part of the training and the beginning of the practical learning towards becoming a Biodanza facilitator.
Music is at the very heart of Biodanza! It is the power of music to induce vivencias of integration. How do we use music? How do we select it? How does it work? Join us for a beautiful exploration of this immense subject which is one of the three pillars of Biodanza and dance deeper into your understanding of it.
Module 23 | Methodology 2 The Biodanza Session (Part 1)
"The meeting in Biodanza is a ceremony of inner transformation induced by the vivencia. It is a process of integration of the identity in its visceral and behavioral aspects. As a ceremony, it must meet certain requirements that give it a particular structure".
Rolando Toro Araneda (Training Modules)
What is a ceremony? What requirements are we talking about? What is the specific structure that the facilitator must respectin order to maintain the coherence of Biodanza and thus allow a process of development and transformation...With this module, the training covers the basics of the practical application of the theoretical model of Biodanza and the structural concepts, to create a Biodanza session.
Module 24 | Methodology 3 The Biodanza Session (Part 2)
This weekend looks at the mechanics of the Biodanza sessions in a weekly class. How do we progress? What level of intensity do we start with? How will we overcome difficulties? You begin to structure vivencias and deliver exercises and classes in the safety of the school and with support.
Module 25 | Methodology 4 Weekly Courses
"The practice of Biodanza has as its main aim the improvement of the quality of life. It is therefore a comprehensive existential rehabilitation process. This practice, proposed as a weekly experience, will launch a process of evolutionary growth, precisely able to achieve that goal."
Rolando Toro Araneda (Training Module)
The practical application of this is done by the profound knowledge of the transformative induction of Biodanza exercises, but also of what participants need in terms of preparation and levels to reach the goal. It is one of the key elements making the difference between a leisure activity and an evolutionary process. This module sensitizes us to the proposal not of the one off session, but to a set of sessions, it's to tell the difference between the consistency of a meeting and the consistency of a process.
Module 28 | Methodolgy 7 Study of the Official List of Exercises, Presentations and Music
This is a weekend to celebrate! To celebrate Biodanza! To hone your skills as teachers as some of you get ready to fly this special nest and create your own! The chance to ask the questions burning in your minds and to receive feedback. Excercises? Practicalities? How to?And, as in every school weekend, we will dance together to celebrate life and each other.
Module 26 | Methodology 5 The Biodanza Group
In Biodanza we work with people! The group is a living entity. How do we integrate beginners to enable the group to thrive? We will look at the exercises in depth. The enunciations and the vivencial content. You will have the chance to put these into practice. As always there will be the opportunity to dance, it is through the dance we learn to teach in a 'vivencial' way.
Module 27 | Methodology 6 The Criteria for Evaluation of the Biodanza Process
In Biodanza, we don't expose people to formal requirements of 'the right thing to do'. And yet this is not a free dance. The proposal to instruct people, in a process where learning is based on the vivencia, is, for the facilitator, a sort of challenge. Indeed, on the basis of reading the movement of each of the participants in the group, the facilitator must make the selection of exercises that will allow for a process adapted to the possibilities and the needs of the group. To identify and guide by suggestion the expression, through movement and dance, the potential affected by the different categories of movement and communication). These keys will not be issued individually in a direct address to the person or the persons concerned, but will be said in a discreet manner, integrated in the enunciation of the exercises. This is also part of the art of facilitating.